Tell WA Lawmakers: Pass HB 1635 To Hold Co-Ops Accountable To All Member-Owners
Tens of thousands of Washingtonians pay a fee to companies that claim to be democratic, member-owned co-ops. But Washington state has no laws holding co-ops accountable to their promises of democracy. Some co-ops, like REI, ban employees from serving as elected board members. HB 1635 will give worker-members a voice in the future of the co-operatives they make possible,
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True Co-Ops Don't Silence Their Employees
True co-ops are democratically governed by all of their member-owners. But not REI. For example, REI changed its rules to ban member-owners who work at the outdoor retailer from serving on REI’s Board of Directors.
That’s not democracy. It’s hypocrisy.
Without accountability to its own member-employees, REI is less like a co-op and more like a big corporation. And it shows. REI is busting worker unions, breaking working protection laws, and using overseas suppliers that violate labor and human rights.
It’s time for strong accountability standards for big Washington-based co-ops like REI.
Tell your lawmakers in Olympia to pass HB 1635 and give ALL co-op member-owners, including co-op staff, an equal voice in how their co-ops operate.